Monday, March 24, 2008

Donna Williams

Donna Williams has changed the reality of thinking regarding autism. Her books offer hope for parents confused by the developmental issues surrounding autism. We have to remember that many clinicians convinced families of decisions regarding their child based on a reality of faulty research and clinical misjudgments. Thanks to Donna, her books have helped parents take the lead in their child's life versus the "experts."

Sunday, March 9, 2008

The Carey Family

I had the pleasure and privilege to spend time with Mike and Lisa Carey. There story will change the plight of children with disabilities. They are fighting for the civil rights of children in residential facilities. They tragically lost their son in the state's care. Their story is forcing the State of New York to deal with a flawed system of care. They have truly taken a tragic death and used it to triumphantly fight for civil rights, so that future generations of children have little or no risk of being prey to a flawed system of care.

Monday, December 17, 2007

The Working Families Party - Working for Decency - Your VOTE can make a difference.

I cannot emphasize enough how important it is to electrify people to vote for decency. While I believe in structural changes our necessary for our government and democratic representation, people can make a statement by voting on the working families party line. Politicians in New York are beginning to pay attention. The WF party endorsement is highly coveted because people are purposefully voting on the party line to send a message to both Democrats and Republicans.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts - Making a Difference

Just over the New York border, thousands of teachers have gone to a school in the Berkshires to earn their administrative degree through an innovative Leadership Academy. Why would so many New Yorkers travel hundreds of miles a way from home to earn their certification? There are many answers, however many are inspired by the social justice themes that define the program. MCLA brings together professors and presenters from all across the United States to share unique insight into the inequities that exist in our system of education. These inequities play a role in the societal inequities that exist in our country. For those looking into furthering their education into administration, please contact MCLA and compare the programs with those offered in New York.

People fighting for decency everyday

Everyday, someone makes a difference in people's lives. We have organizations challenging the perceptions that are out there regarding human decency. The purpose of this blog is to hear your stories. There are many organizations making a difference that our news media never discusses. It is time for their story to be heard.